New Hip...New Year!!
Before I get in to all the stuff coming up in 2020, I need to once again send out a big thanks to everyone who made my 12th Annual Food Drive another great success!! All the musicians who donated their time, Timothy's Pub for being such awesome hosts and the people who continue to amaze me with their unmatched generosity!! It just keeps getting better and better. Thank you!
Here are some pics of the festivities.

Pics - clockwise from left to right
That's a truck load of food!!! We also collected almost $1400 in cash and PC gift cards.
Tim and Robin Brem - they run an awesome Pub and are wonderful hosts
Johnny Max and Kat Lovett both performed and added to the success of the night
Brigham Phillips and Charlie Cooley provided part of the great sound that backed me and our special guests up most of the night.
Now for 2020!!!
I'm starting the new year with a new hip. The healing is slow but I'm feeling better about the procedure and my doc says a little live music is OK if I don't push it too much!! We'll see how that goes.
Dakota's Sports Bar will continue on the first Saturday of every month with What's Happening! While the 3rd Sunday belongs to Timothy's Pub and The Sunday Sinners. I'll also be doing some Solo Acoustic Mayhem gigs at The Irish Rose in Toronto and Merk in Hamilton.
I also plan on finishing up the recording that we started before the hip replacement. So you can look forward to some kind of new release, perhaps in the Spring!!!
Keep an eye on the website for any and all information.