Staying Safe Moving Onward!
In these uncertain times as we navigate our way through different beliefs, theories and opinions, I want to say that I've been impressed with the rooms I've been playing in and the people who have shown up to support said rooms and the live music that is being played there.
It's hard to believe that we're going into our 7th month of this pandemic and harder to understand the changes our world has seen. So, when I think about the different opinions and how people respond to this situation I try to remember that respecting others is a quality trait and that teaching by example will always have a greater impact than force.
I guess what I'm getting at is if you choose to stay in that's fine. If you choose to go out for a bite to eat or to watch live music, that's OK, too. I appreciate the efforts that bars and restaurants are making to keep people safe. I also appreciate the people coming out who are respectfully following those protocols and ensuring that everyone stays safe and has a little fun. Let's face it, music is a healer. We all need a little healing right now!

With that said, Matt Horner and I will be returning to The Carrigan Arms (2025 Upper Middle Rd. Burlington) this Saturday, Sept. 19 from 3-6pm. There is no cover charge for this show but calling ahead for reservations is highly recommended. 905 332 6131

On Sunday, Sept. 20, 6-9pm, The Sunday Sinners Trio with Matt Horner and Charlie Cooley, will be back at Timothy's Pub (344 Brown's Line) for our monthly appearance on the 3rd Sunday of every month. There is a $5. cover for this show and again calling ahead for reservations is recommended. 416 201 9515
I hope that you can make it out to one of these venues and support the establishments and the musicians.
Stay safe. Peace!